What is IT Support?

Complete, end-to-end monitoring, management and maintenance of your computer network in the Dallas area

What Are IT Support Services & Are They Worth It?

Any part of your business that works with technology will need support. When that support is provided as a service by a third party, it can be considered IT support services. Even the most tech-savvy employees can forget their passwords, and the more technology you implement, the more problems that can arise. That is where IT support services come into play—having the proper support in place can help ensure that your business will always operate as safely and efficiently as possible. High-quality IT support services can help your internal IT department focus on projects that bring value to the business instead of spending time on routine maintenance or trivial end-user problems. 

Types of IT Support Services

When you hear the term “IT support,” you may think of an internal department. While this is a standard solution, many other types of services exist today. Depending on the industry you operate in, you could have particular IT support needs, which is perfectly fine. However, there are common types of support, and understanding each can help you determine the more specific solutions for your business later on. Here’s what you need to know:


Services that handle client information or require confidential credentials to access are the most vulnerable to attack. Monitoring services can watch over your network and quickly provide support when disaster strikes. A quick response can be the difference between a hiccup in service and a major disruption. Monitoring support can be implemented on any active service or software used by employees or customers. 


Sometimes the most challenging part of supporting your IT infrastructure is knowing how to get started or when to scale your IT solutions with your business’s growth. Another form of support service is IT design assistance. This is when an expert or team of experts comes in and evaluates your infrastructure so that they can help you expand or scale your IT services as needed. Most IT support service providers can also offer long-term support and warranties on any design they might implement.

Active Support

The most common type of IT support is active support. Almost everyone has used some type of active IT support at some point. Anytime an employee or customer needs live help with a product or piece of software, active support comes to the rescue. IT experts can provide real-time support over the phone or live chat through what’s known as a helpdesk.

Technology is the backbone of your business, but you need IT support maintenance to keep it working correctly.

With our Zero Trust Security Policy, Onetech360 will proactively reduce IT costs and improve network security.

Contact OnetechDallas for a reliable IT support service built on trust, dedication, and excellent communication.

Flat-Fee, All Inclusive Dallas Based IT Services

Call us today to discuss our approach to dealing with IT issues.

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Benifits & Advantages our IT Support Services

Our Dallas Tech Support Services

Cybersecurity intelligently designed to flex with your organization’s appropriate risk-level appetite.

Our clients’ data is always secured, thanks to our comprehensive cloud backup solutions.

Cloud services enable companies to work remotely from anywhere in the world.

Fixed pricing managed services that solve pesky computer problems while their still small, alleviating the potential for costly downtime.

Our IT Services allow information technology to act as a backbone to your growth.

Reliable phone service at a fraction of what you are currently paying the traditional phone company.

Benefits of Managed IT Services

There are countless benefits to implementing third-party IT support services. Besides cutting costs, you can also reduce downtimes and optimize both the employees’ and customers’ daily interactions with your business. Benefits can be incredibly specific or broad depending on what service is causing them. For that reason, it helps to understand some of the initial benefits of support services and how they can help your business:

Focus on Growing your business


Just like with any IT-related service, hiring a third-party to handle a specialized area will help to free up internal resources. Departments can focus on their intended workloads and not be slowed down by IT hiccups or operational problems. This allows for your business to be optimized to run as efficiently as possible.

Reduce Costs

When purchasing IT support through a provider, you can pay for only the specific services you require. This can help eliminate start-up costs and maintenance fees because there is no need for you to purchase hardware or hire additional full-time staff. A third-party support provider can use their extensive resources and existing client base and infrastructure to offer support service prices that are unmatched by any internal department’s costs.


Just like with any IT-related service, hiring a third-party to handle a specialized area will help to free up internal resources. Departments can focus on their intended workloads and not be slowed down by IT hiccups or operational problems. This allows for your business to be optimized to run as efficiently as possible.

So, ready to stop dealing with IT issues?

In today’s day and age, you should not have to settle for subpar IT services.

Fill out the contact form or Call (214) 702-0448 to get started

Dallas’ Most Trusted IT Support Company

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